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Author: Gabriel Wilensky

The Crucial Role of Logic in Everyday Life

Logic is the key to tackling life’s challenges, making informed decisions, and communicating effectively. By employing logical thinking, you can break down complex problems, evaluate alternatives, and present your ideas coherently, leading to greater clarity and success in your everyday life.

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Unlocking the Power of Inductive Reasoning

Discover the power of inductive reasoning, a practical tool that allows you to draw general conclusions from specific evidence. Inductive reasoning equips you with the skills to make better choices and navigate life with confidence.

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Benefits of becoming a better thinker

Unlock the power within your mind and rise above biases, prejudices, and flawed logic. Join us on a transformative journey of critical thinking, where you’ll navigate life’s complexities with clarity, make informed decisions, and become an advocate for a more rational, compassionate world.

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8 strategies to avoid being misled by politicians

A clear distinction between politicians and statesmen. It also provides strategies to avoid being misled by politicians, such as being skeptical, evaluating their statements, following the money, and paying attention to how they manipulate emotions and prejudices.

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