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Author: Gabriel Wilensky

Gratitude Rocks: Cultivating Appreciation in Everyday Life

In our fast-paced world, cultivating gratitude serves as a grounding force, allowing us to appreciate the abundance and beauty in our lives. By understanding gratitude as a heartfelt acknowledgment of blessings and abundance, we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, fostering a sense of contentment and connection.

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Overcoming Cognitive Distortions for a Happier Life

Are you tired of being trapped in a maze of negative thinking that hinders your happiness? Cognitive distortions, those sneaky thinking patterns that warp our perception of reality, can be the culprit. But fear not, as we embark on a journey together to unravel these distortions and equip you with practical tools to break free, opening the door to a more fulfilling and rational existence.

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10 Things you need to avoid doing to live a better life

Stoics and Epicureans agree that there are certain things we should avoid doing in order to live a good life. These include letting our emotions control us, worrying about things we cannot control, being attached to material possessions, and seeking fame or glory. By avoiding these behaviors, we can improve our mental health, well-being, and overall quality of life.

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10 questions to change your life

Here are 10 key questions you need to ask yourself to change your life for the better, answered through the teachings of Stoicism. In a world filled with uncertainties, Stoicism offers a guiding light, urging us to define our purpose, live in accordance with our values, and seize control over our emotions. By embracing the Stoic principles of virtue, mindfulness, and service to others, we embark on a transformative journey that empowers us to lead lives of authenticity, compassion, and inner peace.

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Don’t be an unsophisticated thinker

An unsophisticated thinker is someone who does not think deeply about things. They tend to accept information at face value and are not good at identifying bias or fallacies. They may also be more likely to make snap judgments and decisions without considering all the options.

To move from being an unsophisticated thinker to a good critical thinker, there are a few things you can do. These include being aware of your own biases, being open to new information, and being willing to change your mind.

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